Conscious Parenting For Australian Families — benefits of play

The Magic of Sensory Play 0
If you search for "sensory play" on your favourite social media platform, you may get the impression that it's all about making a mess with goopy concoctions and coloured rice. While those are in fact great examples of sensory play activities, there is so much more to this concept and the benefits go far beyond simply keeping kids entertained.- The Toy Chest Australia

Perks of Play : Toy Kitchens & Play Food 0
Imitating real-life skills and scenarios - such as preparing, cooking, serving, and eating food - is a form of play that comes naturally to children. Encouraging and facilitating their pretend play with age-appropriate resources - think: toy kitchens, play food, or open-ended materials - will support their development in numerous ways.- The Toy Chest Australia

What Is An Open-Ended Toy : And How Do They Benefit Child Development? 0
Toys and materials that are "open-ended" are those that offer a wide range of possibilities for creativity and play, rather than having a restricted function. They are typically simple, versatile, and with no specific predetermined purpose, they allow children to use them in a variety of ways, providing rich learning experiences across all developmental areas.- The Toy Chest Australia

How Bath Toys and the Joy of Water Play Can Benefit Child Development 0
Providing young children with bath toys and opportunities for water play is not only fun for you and for them, it also offers a myriad of benefits for their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
The following article will outline several developmental areas that playing with water can enhance, with suggestions on the types of bath toys and other resources that children may find especially engaging.
- The Toy Chest Australia

Empowering Playfulness : The Surprising Benefits of Rough & Tumble Play 0
Play fighting, wrestling or rough-housing is considered by many to be undesirable behaviour that should be discouraged. Far from it, rough-housing is not only developmentally normal play for most girls and boys, it offers a wide range of benefits for growth and learning.- The Toy Chest Australia

8 Ethical Toys for Your Calm Corner 0
The availability of sensory toys and fidgets on the market has become quite a phenomenon in recent years. Of course, it is wonderful that there is more awareness of sensory needs and the ways in which individuals can regulate their nervous systems to better function. Unfortunately though, many of the products that are promoted for this purpose are poor quality, plastic, or easily broken items that quickly end up in landfill. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to help children calm themselves through sensory input that don't involve unethical purchasing.
- The Toy Chest Australia