How Bath Toys and the Joy of Water Play Can Benefit Child Development

How Bath Toys and the Joy of Water Play Can Benefit Child Development

Providing young children with bath toys and opportunities for water play is not only fun for you and for them, it also offers a myriad of benefits for their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

The following article will outline several developmental areas that playing with water can enhance, with suggestions on the types of bath toys and other resources that young children may find especially engaging.


Fine Motor Skills

Using tools in water play - such as funnels or droppers - requires precise hand and finger movements. This strengthens fine motor muscles and encourages hand-eye coordination. Meanwhile, using both hands together to fill a bucket or pour from one container to another, provides excellent practice in bilateral coordination.

Splash Buddy Jellyfish Bath ToySomething as simple as this cute jellyfish toy will help your child to develop hand grip strength as they squish and squeeze.

Gross Motor Skills

Children may need to stand, squat, or reach to access different parts of a play table, bath tub, or other set up. Adjusting their posture to interact with the water will challenge and improve their balance, stability and spatial awareness. These movements, along with activities like stirring, splashing, and lifting objects in the water, all involve muscle engagement that increases strength and improves coordination.

Non-slip Bath Stickers - Galaxy ThemeThe primary function of these non slip bath stickers is to make the tub safer by adding texture. But being so visually engaging means that they also encourage children to reach out to touch, or stand up to step on each one.


Water play offers a variety of textures to explore : like the temperature and resistance of the water, the slipperiness of wet objects, and the different feel of various toys and materials. These sensations help children develop their tactile discrimination and sensitivity.

Close Up Water SplashThe water's surface reflects light, creating visual interest. Children can observe ripples, reflections, and the way objects look when wet. This stimulation promotes visual tracking and attention to detail.

The sounds of water play, such as splashing, pouring, and bubbling, stimulate auditory senses; while adding scented soaps or other fragrances will enhance olfactory awareness.

All of these sensory inputs stimulate and enhance a child's sensory perception and overall body awareness. Furthermore, engaging in water play combines multiple sensory inputs simultaneously, which helps develop sensory integration, an essential skill for organizing the input and responding appropriately.

Water play can also be a gentle way to desensitize children who may become overwhelmed at times by sensory input.

Bath Mates Aussie Animals ToyOur Bath Mates by Aussie brand Tiger Tribe are fabulous, mould free bath toys that provide a multi-sensory experience. Your child can explore their texture and shape with their hands (or mouth) and then squeeze out some water to engage their visual and auditory senses.


By encouraging children to play with water, and guiding their exploration with open-ended questions and discussions, you can help them develop their natural scientific curiosity and provide a foundation for more complex scientific concepts as they grow. Water play is an accessible, enjoyable, and effective way to introduce these fundamental science concepts in a hands-on, memorable manner.

Volume & Displacement : Children begin to grasp these ideas as they experiment with filling and transferring to various sized containers, and observing as water overflows.

Wooden Toy Boats With Linen SailsDensity & Buoyancy : Children explore these concepts as they experiment with sinking and floating objects, such as a classic wooden toy boat. Why might a smaller object sink while this one can float?

Surface Tension : This can be demonstrated by placing a small object (like a paperclip or a small piece of paper) on the surface of water.

Water Cycle : Water play offers an opportunity to discuss how water evaporates into the air, forms clouds, and eventually falls back to the Earth as precipitation.

States of Matter : Water can exist in three states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor). Through activities like freezing water to make ice cubes or watching steam rise from a boiling pot, children can learn about these concepts and the transitions between them.

Condensation : Observing water droplets forming on the exterior of a cold glass provides a simple way to introduce the concept of condensation and the role of temperature in this process.

Colours Mixing In WaterColour Mixing : Adding paint or food colouring to water play can help children understand the principles of color mixing.

Vocabulary and Observation : Water play can introduce children to new science-related vocabulary, as they describe what they see, make predictions, and discuss their findings (crucial elements of the scientific method).

Environmental Awareness : Engaging in water play can also foster environmental awareness and responsibility. Children can learn about the importance of conserving water and taking care of their local water sources.


Water play provides many opportunities to enhance emotional development and is also a great way to strengthen social skills when there is interaction with other children or adults.

Children playing in the bathCooperation and Sharing : When children play with water together, they often need to collaborate, share, and take turns. This promotes cooperation and the development of pro-social behaviors as they learn to work together and respect each other's needs and interests.

Communication Skills : Water play provides an excellent context for children to communicate. They can discuss what they're doing, express their ideas, and make plans together, strengthening both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Empathy : Children playing together can observe each other's feelings and needs. Encouraging empathy by discussing how someone might be feeling in a particular situation helps them develop a deeper understanding of others and fosters compassion.

Teamwork : Collaborative water-based projects, such as building a sandcastle or creating a watercourse, require teamwork. Children learn to work together, appreciate each other's contributions, and develop a sense of unity.

Children sharing toys during water playConflict Resolution : Occasionally, conflicts may arise during water play, such as disagreements over a shared toy or space. These conflicts provide opportunities for children to learn conflict resolution skills and how to find mutually acceptable solutions.

Friendship Building : Playing with peers at water tables or in water-based settings can lead to the formation of friendships. These early social connections are crucial for children's emotional well-being and overall development.

Emotional Expression : Water play can elicit various emotions, such as excitement, curiosity, or frustration if something doesn't go as planned. Encouraging children to express their emotions during water play helps them learn to identify and manage their feelings effectively.

Sensory Relaxation : Water play has a calming and soothing effect on many children. Engaging with water reduce stress and anxiety. Children can learn to use water play as a self-soothing technique.

Sunny Days Silicone Tea Set by Tiger TribeSelf-Regulation : Water play can sometimes be messy and unpredictable, which challenges children to manage their emotions and responses effectively. Learning to stay calm and focused despite unexpected outcomes promotes self-regulation skills.

Resilience : Water play often involves trial and error. When children experience setbacks or challenges, they learn to persevere and adapt, fostering resilience.

Confidence and Self-Esteem : Accomplishing tasks independently or collaboratively can boost a child's self-esteem. Succeeding with a challenge, such as pouring without spilling, will give them a sense of achievement and competence.

One of the best things about our "Sunny Days" silicone tea set is that it can double as a bath toy or be used in any kind of messy play. Playing tea parties - especially when other children or adults join in - is a fantastic way to work on all of the social and emotional development skills mentioned above.


To maximize the language development benefits of water play, adults can engage with children during these activities, ask open-ended questions, encourage them to describe what they're doing, and offer opportunities for them to express themselves through words and conversation. This interactive approach to water play creates a rich language-learning environment and can help children build a strong foundation for effective communication and literacy skills.

Toddler and mother playing in a bathtub outsideVocabulary Expansion : Water play introduces children to new words related to water and its properties. They can learn terms like "splash," "float," "sink," "wet," "dry," "pour," and "drain."

Descriptive Language : Children can describe what they see, feel, and do during water play. They may use words like "cold," "warm," "fast," "slow," "deep," "shallow," "soggy," and "sunny".

Comparisons : Children often compare things during water play. They might compare the sizes of containers, the volume of water, or the speed of water flow. This practice helps develop language skills related to comparison, such as "bigger," "smaller," "faster," and "slower."

Questioning Skills : Water play can stimulate curiosity and encourage children to ask questions. Encourage them to ask "why" and "how" questions about what they're experiencing.

Narrative Skills : Many children love to create imaginary scenarios using role-play and pretend while playing with water. This imaginative play fosters storytelling, character development, and the use of imaginative language.

Following Instructions : Providing children with simple instructions during water play, such as "pour the water into the blue cup" or "make a big splash," helps them practice following directions and understanding language commands.

Bath Doll with Floaty ToyListening Skills : To play cooperatively in a water play setting, children need to listen to one another. They learn to understand others' ideas and respond appropriately.

Turn-Taking and Conversation : Water play often involves sharing toys and taking turns. This encourages conversations between children, as they discuss who gets to use a particular bath toy next or share their experiences.

Phonemic Awareness : Sound is an essential aspect of water play, and children can learn about different sounds produced by water, such as splashing, pouring, or bubbling. Incorporating onomatopoeia (words that mimic sounds) into the play can enhance phonemic awareness.

Cause and Effect : Water play is full of cause-and-effect relationships. Children can learn to articulate these relationships by saying things like "When I pour water into the funnel, it goes down the tube."

Our bath dolls with their cute floaties are not just wonderful sensory bath toys, but will also prompt all kinds of conversations.


Water play is a dynamic and versatile activity that engages children's cognitive abilities, making it a valuable tool for their overall development. To support cognitive development during water play, we can provide children with opportunities for open-ended exploration, guide and encourage, ask open-ended questions, and challenge them to think and problem-solve independently.

Jellystone Designs Silicone Colour Wheel PuzzleProblem-Solving & Critical Thinking : Providing various tools and materials to interact with in the water will encourage experimentation, innovation and problem-solving. Whether the children choose to create pathways for water to flow, build structures, or mix colors, they are engaging in critical thinking and must strategize, adapt, and troubleshoot to bring their ideas to life.

Maths Skills : Water play provides a practical context for learning basic maths concepts like volume, measurement, and counting as they pour water into containers, compare sizes, and quantify objects.

Spatial Awareness : Through water play, children develop spatial awareness and conceptual thinking by building structures, arranging objects, and understanding how different elements relate to one another in three-dimensional space.

Pattern Recognition : Children can recognize patterns as they observe the way water flows or ripples. Recognizing patterns is an essential cognitive skill that forms a basis for math, language, and problem-solving.

Imagination and Creativity : When presented as an open-ended, unstructured activity, water play allows children to use their imaginations and explore freely.

Jellystone Designs Silicone Rainbow StackersObservation Skills : Water play encourages children to be keen observers. It may help to ask them what they notice/feel/see.

Cause and Effect : Children can see how their actions, like pouring water into a funnel, have specific consequences. Understanding these relationships is crucial for cognitive development.

Logical Thinking : Manipulating water and objects in water play requires logical thinking. Children learn to sequence steps, make decisions, and follow a logical order to achieve their goals.

Categorization : Children often group and categorize objects during water play, such as separating toys by type or size.

Comparative Thinking : Water play encourages comparative thinking as children compare quantities, sizes, and the attributes of various tools, materials and objects.

Curiosity and Exploration : Curiosity is a fundamental driver of cognitive development. Water play stimulates the natural curiosity of children and encourages them to explore and discover.

You can encourage cognitive development during water play by providing additional challenges. Our puzzles and stackers from Jellystone Designs, for instance, can also be thought of as silicone bath toys and included in any water play invitation.


Incorporating water play and offering resources such as bath toys into the everyday lives of young children goes far beyond the realms of simple entertainment — it serves as a holistic developmental tool. The multifaceted advantages span physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional, and language domains. As with all forms of play, seemingly simple activities create a profound impact on the complex tapestry of a child's growth and well-being.

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