Conscious Parenting For Australian Families — activities for kids

EUGY by Dodoland - Eco-Friendly Model Kits for Kids 0
Clever New Zealand company Dodoland are the brains behind EUGYs - unique and eco-friendly 3D model kits. EUGY kits are affordable, fun, safe, and educational - all with a spoonful of cuteness. Even after the fun of assembling these model kits is complete, the resulting animal figurines are super cute and look great on display - especially if you build up a collection - and they also make fantastic toys for imaginative or small world play.
- The Toy Chest Australia

Mindful Card Sets - We Recommend - The Creative Sprout 0
The Creative Sprout are an Australian, women-led business offering resources for children that cultivate resilience and mindfulness. With backgrounds in design and influenced by Montessori principles, mothers Saara & Michelle have created a range of card sets, posters and printables to inspire and support kids.- The Toy Chest Australia

How Bath Toys and the Joy of Water Play Can Benefit Child Development 0
Providing young children with bath toys and opportunities for water play is not only fun for you and for them, it also offers a myriad of benefits for their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
The following article will outline several developmental areas that playing with water can enhance, with suggestions on the types of bath toys and other resources that children may find especially engaging.
- The Toy Chest Australia

Tiger Tribe : Brand Spotlight 0
Tiger Tribe are an Aussie brand close to our hearts here at The Toy Chest. Not only do we adore their products, we also wholeheartedly embrace their mission to protect our natural environment: by supporting conservation efforts, and by aiming for sustainability in all they do. We stock a selection of quality products from Tiger Tribe in store.- The Toy Chest Australia

Empowering Playfulness : The Surprising Benefits of Rough & Tumble Play 0
Play fighting, wrestling or rough-housing is considered by many to be undesirable behaviour that should be discouraged. Far from it, rough-housing is not only developmentally normal play for most girls and boys, it offers a wide range of benefits for growth and learning.- The Toy Chest Australia

8 Ethical Toys for Your Calm Corner 0
The availability of sensory toys and fidgets on the market has become quite a phenomenon in recent years. Of course, it is wonderful that there is more awareness of sensory needs and the ways in which individuals can regulate their nervous systems to better function. Unfortunately though, many of the products that are promoted for this purpose are poor quality, plastic, or easily broken items that quickly end up in landfill. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to help children calm themselves through sensory input that don't involve unethical purchasing.
- The Toy Chest Australia

8 Considerations for Planning an Eco-friendly Birthday Party 0
Throwing a children's birthday party with the environment in mind is not as daunting as it seems. With a bit of thought but not too much effort, you can reduce your impact on the environment while inspiring others to do the same.- The Toy Chest Australia

Magnetic Tiles - We Recommend - Connetix 0
If there's one toy every household should own it's a set of magnetic tiles! Our recommended brand - Connetix Tiles - allow children to construct 2D and 3D shapes, using their imagination and creativity to play and build.
- The Toy Chest Australia

Subscription Boxes for Kids - We Recommend - Inspire Book Box 0
Inspire Book Box is an Australian, women-led business offering an exceptional range of quality books, themed book boxes, unique book series, hands on crafts, playful learning products and fun gift options.- The Toy Chest Australia

Fabric Busy Books - We Recommend - Bookywoo 0
Bookywoo is an Australian family business who have designed a range of beautiful felt activity books for children that enhance development in areas such as creativity, attention span and focus, fine motor skills, problem solving, pre-reading and hand-eye coordination.- The Toy Chest Australia